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Seminary Movie.

In June of 2000, Lutheran Theological Seminary contracted with the company LBL-Sibir to produce a film highlighting the activities of LTS and its satellite programs. LBL-Sibir already did such service for LTS and West Siberian Christian Mission in 1997. The first movie was called "The Beginning," which was produced both in Russian and English versions. It depicted the second Summer Seminar in 1997 and showed the dedication of the Lutheran Theological Seminary building. The film documented the true beginning of Lutheran education in Siberia. Now, after three years have passed, it is possible to look back and see the first fruits of the process that has actually just started.

The new film will mostly concentrate on regular life at Lutheran Theological Seminary, including the activity of the classroom. Interviews with professors will occupy a major part. No small attention will be given also to the monthly seminars held by LTS and to the pre-seminary program organized in Khakasia. Summer seminars will constitute one of the elements of the new movie, but will not play such a decisive role as in the first film.

The LBL producer for the film is Boris Mamlin, a parishioner of Bible Lutheran Church in Novosibirsk. He has taken part in many international projects, and his work has taken him to the North Pole and to Antarctica. Boris knows the life of the Lutheran church from within, which is certainly a positive factor for this movie project.

The operator and his crew will have to go on trips across Siberia to catch the scope of the seminary's work. According to the agreement reached with LBL-Sibir, the movie should be completed by January 2001.



News: Professor Kurt Marquart Gives Lectures in Ekaterinburg. [June 2000]

News: Completion of 1999-2000 Academic Year. [June 2000]

News: Summer Practicum. [June 2000]

News: Seminary Movie. [June 2000]

News: LTS Theological Journal. [May 2000]

News: Trip to Ulaanbaatar. [May 2000]

News: A Missionary and Catechetical Trip to Khakassia, Buryatia, and Irkutsk. [May 2000]

News: Student’s Daughter Baptized at the Chapel’s Baptismal Font. [May 2000]

News: Students Conduct Fieldwork during Holy Week. [April 2000]

News: LTS holds April seminar in new seminary building. [April 2000]

News: Dr. Scaer teaches full course in Novosibirsk in one week. [March 2000]

News: LTS student participates in international Christian Pedagogical conference. [March 2000]

News: New congregation comes into being due to the practical work of the students of the Biblical School in Khakassia. [March 2000]

News: Three New Students Accepted at the Seminary in Novosibirsk [February 2000]

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