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New congregation comes into being due to the practical work of the students of the Biblical School in Khakassia.

March 3-6 Fr. Vsevolod Lytkin spent in Khakassia, where Deacon Pavel Zayakin serves the Lord in the town of Tuim. In Khakassia Fr. Lytkin confirmed new people in the village of Kirovo, where the students of the biblical school in Khakassia have been conducting missionary work. Their labor under the guidance of Deacon Pavel Zayakin has resulted in these confirmations. Thus in actuality there took place the birth of a new congregation in Khakassia. Michael Shackhrauk, subdeacon of the Tuim cogregation, was leading vespers in Kirovo on a continual basis. Fr. Pavel Zayakin came and preached there several times also. The Word of God did its work. People came to the services and then after getting instruction in faith of the church they asked to become the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Since Kirovo is a very poor place, a special care has been taken to ensure as best as possib;e that people have right motivations coming to the church. Of course, people in the church always try to help those in need. On the other hand, as Fr. Pavel Zaykin said, “they should not think that church is a social protection center, but rather view the church as a place where one obtains forgiveness of sins and eternal life”. It seems that new parishiners got this idea.

May the poor people who lead very difficult lives in that region, in a situation that seems hopeless, find their hope in Christ! They cannot help but say, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Our hope is that some students of the biblical school will be able to come to the seminary in Novosibirsk when they are out of the school. They will finish the school in 2001, and it is the year when LTS will recruit the new group of students. Please pray for the new ministers to be prepared for Khakassia, so that the light of the gospel may enlighten people living there.


News: Professor Kurt Marquart Gives Lectures in Ekaterinburg. [June 2000]

News: Completion of 1999-2000 Academic Year. [June 2000]

News: Summer Practicum. [June 2000]

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News: Dr. Scaer teaches full course in Novosibirsk in one week. [March 2000]

News: LTS student participates in international Christian Pedagogical conference. [March 2000]

News: New congregation comes into being due to the practical work of the students of the Biblical School in Khakassia. [March 2000]

News: Three New Students Accepted at the Seminary in Novosibirsk [February 2000]

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